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What Can We Do?


Basics every baby needs 

• Safety approved crib or cribette/playpen for each baby

• Firm crib mattress (if using a traditional crib)

• Fitted sheets – at least 2

• Sleep clothing – wearable blankets, blanket sleepers, pajamas,

• Clothes in multiple sizes

• Diapers in multiple sizes

• Baby wipes

• Breast pump, bottles, nipples

• Tummy time mat/blanket

• Thermometer

• High chair

• Car seat

• Books

• Stroller

Basics not to get

• Products marketed as "sleepers" that require a strap

• In-bed sleepers (Beside sleepers have not been studied)

• Positioners

• Pillows

• Crib bumpers

• Mattress toppers

• Clothing with hoods or strings

• Pacifiers with plush toy, blanket, or string attached

• Oxygen monitors do not make baby safer during sleep

• Weighted baby blankets, weighted swaddlers, and weighted sleep sacs.



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