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Safe Sleep


The PA Safe Sleep program was created specifically to combat sleep-related deaths of infants in Pennsylvania. We cannot stress enough the importance of remembering the ABCs of safe sleep.  Babies should always be placed to sleep ALONE, on their BACK and in their own CRIB.


To learn more about safe sleep practices for babies and to find direct resources for other questions, please view the list below. You will also find no cost to download print materials to share or remind you of safe sleep practices.

Safe Sleep Print Materials


These downloadable posters can be used as educational tools in baby friendly businesses, hospitals or doctors’ offices to help remind new parents of the ABCs (Alone, Back, Crib) of safe sleep practices.


The downloadable brochure can be used as a marketing tool at tabling events, speaking engagements or as a resource in hospitals, doctors' offices and baby friendly businesses.

Crib Card

These downloadable crib cards can be used as educational tools in baby friendly businesses, hospitals or doctors’ offices to help remind new parents of the ABCs (Alone, Back, Crib) of safe sleep practices.

Palm Card

The downloadable palm card can be used as a marketing tool at tabling events, speaking engagements or as a resource in hospitals, doctors' offices and baby friendly businesses. 

All print materials can be downloaded (at no cost) and re-printed by participating hospitals, doctors offices and community centers.

NICHD Videos

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) offers high quality videos in English and Spanish to explain ways to reduce the risk of SIDS and other sleep related deaths.  Videos include several versions of Safe Sleep for your Baby and Safe Infant Sleep for Grandparents and Other Trusted Caregivers and other care videos. Videos can be accessed at:

PA SafeSleep for Families

For PA Act 73 forms in multiple languages.  SIDS

Additional resources for families can be found at

Click here for a Safe Sleep digital social media toolkit.  PA Safe Sleep Toolkit

Copyright 2024 The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.  All rights reserved.

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